
Affiliate Disclosure - Peter Ryan

When a user clicks on an affiliate link on Peter Ryan, purchases are completed on the websites of external affiliate companies.  Visitors of Peter Ryan are not charged extra at all. 

There are two types of affiliate programs available at Peter Ryan:

• Amazon Associates Links

Peter Ryan is a part of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Network, which is also an affiliate advertising network that allows website owners to make money by promoting to and associated sites, as well as other sites linked with the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program.

• Affiliate Product Links

If you buy a product after clicking on an affiliate link, the website owner will earn a percentage of the sale or some other kind of compensation.

Whether you utilize affiliate links or not, the prices are the same. You will not be charged any further costs if you click on the link. These aren't pay-per-click (PPC) links.

Sponsored Programs

We do not offer any sponsored material. In fact, it is our utmost priority to provide our readers with accurate, unbiased information to help them make better purchase decisions. In reality, if someone approaches us about sponsoring content, we will declare immediately out that we do not accept such proposals.