
Contact Us - Peter Ryan

Do you have products you'd like us to test?

If you're a brand that would like us to test your product, please contact, along with details and contact info. There's no fee for testing and your product will be evaluated solely on its merits. However, we test thousands of products each year and may not have time to get to yours.

Join the Team!

We're on a mission to help our readers and we need your talent.

Sometimes we get wet, sometimes we get dirty, and sometimes we have to eat a whole lot of food (for science!). Above all, we want to know our stuff so we can share it with the world.

How can we help you

If you would like your company listed on PeterRyan, please use our form to contact


 21, Morrisey Tce, Aintree, Victoria Melbourne 3336

Call Us:
 +61 423 693 441

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